Dextrose Injection and Bodytype
Dextrose, a Poison to the Hepatonia Constitution but a Medicine to Pulmotonia
May, 1994
Light and Salt
Dr. Dowon Kuon
It seems that people who say that a dextrose injection can cause addiction are speaking nonsense. Dextrose injections supposedly supply the most basic nutrients through the blood vessels for people with serious illnesses who are not able to eat. I have not been able to make this idea known to the public for thirty years and have told only those in need of this knowledge, since this idea has not been confirmed by any medical practice or theory other than the Eight Constitutions Medicine. Therefore, I feel that I need to be very discreet in writing regarding this.
Dextrose, a Poison to the Hepatonia Constitution
Fifteen or sixteen years ago, a professor at an American medical school was seeing me because he was suffering from speech loss and the disability of his left arm and leg after a cerebral tumor surgery. One day this professor showed me a report that his colleague had written a few years prior. He was reminded of the report when he happened to overhear me telling one of my patients that it was too dangerous for him to get a dextrose injection. The report indicated the possibility that dextrose might be toxic to people. That report was very exciting to me, because I could finally hear an echo to my own voice.
A dextrose injection is not poisonous for everyone, but it is poisonous for hepatonia individuals. Dextrose injections can enhance the already strong liver function of the hepatonia constitution. Because dextrose strengthens the liver, we do not encourage hepatonia individuals to eat vegetables, most of which contain a good deal of dextrose. The liver has a great affinity for dextrose, and dextrose is a nutrient that supports the function of the liver. We can say that our body cells are supplied with dextrose with the help of the liver. Therefore, all the cells of hepatonia individuals have been built up under the influence of their liver, and this also implies the possibility of excessive liver function.
Then why is injected dextrose poisonous to the hepatonia constitution, whereas rice, which is converted into dextrose through digestion, is harmless? Mysteriously, dextrose supplied from food is stored in the form of glycogen in the liver so that the amount of dextrose in the blood would not exceed the required amount to maintain a state of equilibrium. However, the amount of dextrose injected directly into the bloodstream cannot be controlled according to the particular needs of an individual’s constitution.
About ten years ago, I received a phone call telling me that the father of one of my friends had passed away. By the time I reached their residence, the door was already closed, and I was told that there was no need for me to go in. But I went in, and after looking at the father’s supposedly dead body, I realized that his pulse was still beating. Even though his wife did not expect that it was possible for him to be resuscitated, she did not want me to give up on him. As I already knew that he had the hepatonia constitution, I took out the needles and started treatment for the hepatonia constitution, praying that something would happen. After I finished the treatment, my friend's older brother called me into a room to talk about what had happened before his father passed away. Just at that moment, somebody shouted, “Father is alive!” When we went to look, his father was sitting up and looking around (probably because of pupil dilation). When I checked his pulse, he was completely alive. I told everyone that he was alive. Then somebody asked, “What was the reason for his ‘death’?” I told them that to me the case looked like dextrose poisoning and that I would like to hear what had happened. They related the following story to me: The father, who was a doctor, went to his hometown with his wife to visit his old house. On his way back, he started feeling sick, so he stopped by the house of one of his students, who was also a doctor, and received a dextrose injection. About ten minutes after he got a dextrose injection, he went into a coma and did not wake up for nine days. The doctor told his family to bring him back home, since it did not seem that he would live any longer. He seemingly passed away that night. However, after he was revived through my treatment, he lived for another six years and was even able to celebrate his golden wedding anniversary before he actually passed away.
Dr. Myeong-bok Lee, a professor at Seoul Medical School, called me about twelve years ago. He told me that he had remembered my saying to someone that it is possible to die from a dextrose injection, and he asked me whether it was true. Then he told me that such an incident had actually happened. I asked whether the person who died had a quiet personality, and Dr. Lee said that the one who died was an introverted person. I told him that to die from a dextrose injection was possible. He came to see me right away.
Dr. Lee related the situation and asked me how it could have possibly happened. I explained it to him using a ruler as a metaphor. If his ruler measures by metric units and mine measures by footage, he would laugh at me when I say that something is one unit, while his measurement is three units. But eventually, he will realize that I am not wrong. Likewise, in science, when there is a shift in paradigm, people start to see things that they did not see before. Two years later, Dr. Lee and I got together at a year-end party, and he told me that he could now discern which constitution could be poisoned by a dextrose injection. However, he still felt that it would be too imprudent to tell people about it, because people might think it was nonsense.
Dextrose remains an indispensable nutrient for hepatonia individuals, but when they receive an excessive amount through an injection, there is a possibility that the cells in their body could be poisoned.
Dextrose Injection, a Medicine to Pulmotonia
Depending on one’s constitution, however, dextrose can be more than merely a basic nutrient. For pulmotonia individuals, it can even serve as a medicine that can heal incurable diseases.
About five months ago, a man in his seventies came to see me and told me that he was taken to the hospital with palsy three months prior to that time. Since there was no chance of recovery for him at that time, all they could do was to give him dextrose injections. Strangely enough, he started gaining consciousness and became completely well without any treatment other than the dextrose injections. His doctor thought that it was a miracle and he, an elder of a church, considered his recovery to be grace from God. As I was listening to him, I thought that he might be an individual with the pulmotonia constitution, which turned out to be true. I explained to him that it was God’s grace that since no other treatment would work for him, he was limited to receiving dextrose injections, which were exactly what he needed.
Because the cells of pulmotonia individuals are always under the influence of the weak function of the liver, the injection of dextrose can make up for this weakness. Therefore, it is a rational treatment, and not merely a miracle, for pulmotonia individuals to receive dextrose injections. We therefore encourage pulmotonia individuals to eat vegetables, which are rich in dextrose.
Recently, a patient visited me with a red, swollen face and red blotches all over his arms and legs. When I asked him what had happened, he said that he had been treated for chronic hepatitis, but his doctor had to discontinue his treatment, because red spots began to appear over his entire body. The hepatitis level in his body had actually increased from 60 to 3,000. He considered it to be a sign of healing and decided to continue with the treatment for another year and four months. Eventually, he could not endure the pain, and he stopped the treatment. After that experience, he tried some other forms of treatment, but they were all ineffective. He started getting dextrose injections just to regain some strength, and his hepatitis level decreased from 3,000 to 80. Surprised at the effect of dextrose, he remembered someone telling him that the effect is related to body constitution, and he came to see me. He was obviously an individual with the pulmotonia constitution. Since then, he has been receiving treatment for the pulmotonia constitution. Although he has not yet had another hepatitis examination, he has fully recovered.
What then is dextrose, and how can it be deadly poisonous to some people, and, at the same time, an amazing medicine that heals other people? Dextrose may not be highly regarded, since it is a basic nutrient, yet it has the power to damage or restore cells. By limiting or supplying dextrose, people can be healed. Therefore, the Eight Constitutions Medicine says that hepatonia individuals should not receive dextrose injections, while pulmotonia individuals derive benefit from them.
Dextrose injections may not affect other constitutions as extremely as they affect the hepatonia and pulmotonia constitutions. However, individuals with the cholecystonia, vesicotonia, and renotonia constitutions can be regarded as being in the same category as hepatonia individuals, who experience negative effects due to dextrose, while colonotonia, pancreotonia and gastrotonia individuals can be categorized with pulmotonia individuals, who experience positive effects from dextrose.